Monday, July 23, 2007

Crazy Doesn't Begin To Describe It

This morning, K had a doctor's appointment. While this would normally be something that I didn't bat an eye at just one year ago, this morning was very different. You see, trying to leave the house to be any place on time is, to say the least, daunting. Blessedly, the appointment wasn't until 9:45 so I had some time to try to get ready. Please remember, though, that I have to get three children dressed, fed, teeth brushed, hair done (this isn't so bad for H), and shoes on. That doesn't include getting myself ready. H was fed, the girls dressed, and I actually had a shower before it was time to leave. Granted, the girls were watching Sesame Street while sitting on my bed and H was in his bouncy seat in the bathroom with me but I managed a shower. Did I mention that Daddy is out of town? Not that that would have changed much but I thought it was worth mentioning.

By the time I got out of the shower, dressed, and brushed my hair, it was time to leave. So we left, my hair still very wet, no makeup and me feeling quite disheveled. Did I mention that my gas tank was on E? When we got to the doctor's office, we ran into a friend of K's from school. This is the mom who always looks perfect: hair always done nicely, clothes perfect and children looking just the same. So while mine were running crazily through the office, hers were sitting there quietly, doing exactly what they should be doing. This made me feel even more ragged.

We were called back pretty quickly which was a very good thing. We were put in a room and the girls immediately assumed their seats: K on the exam table and L on the spinning stool. H started fussing the moment I put his carrier down and wouldn't stop until I picked him up. We looked at every magazine in the room (all 4 of them) including the mechanical engineering one.

When the doctor walked in, K was instructed to roll on her tummy so he could examine the back of her legs (where the rash is). This was cause for great concern on her part so I put H down and helped her roll over as she was afraid that she would fall even though there were no less than three adults standing around the exam table. H started crying, L kept trying to put his pacifier in his mouth but he didn't want it. The doctor was giving me home instructions and my cell phone rang. As we were packing up to leave, the doctor said, "You've got your hands really full." Thanks.

But here's the good in all of this. This morning, I got some really good smiles out of H. K was holding him and I was talking to him, making him smile. It was beautiful. He's just started doing this and this morning had the most smiles I've seen out of him. I did get pictures but with my phone camera and I have no clue how to share those on the computer. Sure, we were harried getting out the door because I spent so much time trying to get one good picture of him smiling but it was totally worth it. I believe God gave me that simple joy this morning to remind me to slow down and rest in Him. Everything will get done, we'll make it out the door and life will continue. So please take time to love on your babies. They won't be babies for long.

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