Thursday, November 1, 2007

At Least I Didn't Forget My Camera

I just so happened to remember my camera last night as we went trick-or-treating for the first time. This is our first year to do that mostly because I just didn't want to bother with it. Frankly, the girls never asked and I never mentioned it. But now that K is in kindergarten and has friends that talk about trick-or-treating, we had to go this year.
We have some wonderful neighbors but I don't know them all that well and we would be limited to about 6 houses for our trick-or-treating debut. Plus, I really didn't want to drag H around the entire time so we joined some of our friends in their neighborhood. They have lots of kids on their street and I actually know more of their neighbors than I do of my own. (I realize this is sad).
Here are the highlights of our trick-or-treating debut:
  • K and L getting dressed up as princesses, yet again
  • L and her friend W being petrified (and I do mean petrified) of a man in a mask. The mask wasn't that scary and it was someone we all know but they were petrified nonetheless
  • L deciding, after a very short time, that she'd had enough of the trick-or-treating and joining Mama in handing out the candy
  • L saying, "Here boy" or "Here girl" in reference to the children coming to get candy from us
  • L saying, "Mama, cover my eyes. He's scary!" (At which point she took my hand and covered her face)
  • The Daddies pulling the kids in the wagon and the Mamas sitting in the driveway handing out the candy. It was a great night!

Ice Princess K

Ice Princess L

The kids at the end of the night (Honestly, walking around is so tiring!)

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