Tuesday, April 1, 2008

What Once was Lost Has Now Been Found

I lost my keys. This not common for me. I usually put them away on the key hook by the back door as soon as I get home. This morning when I took K to school, however, they weren't there. I checked the kitchen, giving it a quick once-over before grabbing S's keys and headed out the door.

I had several errands to run this morning and, since it's Tuesday, L had gymnastics. I immediately went home after gymnastics to frantically search for my lost keys. They were nowhere to be found. Y'all, I started panicking. It wasn't a pretty sight. I checked everywhere: the laundry, the kitchen drawers, the cushions of the sofa, and even the trash. Yes, I went through the trash to make sure I hadn't inadvertently thrown them away in a fit of tidying up. They weren't there, either.

I even got S in on the hunt. I will tell you that he's not very good at finding things unless it's a moving target. I think this is due to the hunter in him. It's one of those things on the Y chromosome that we women just don't get.

I was in the bathroom, going through the dirty laundry yet again (after washing my hands from going through the garbage which was, by the way, really gross) when S said, "Found 'em!" They were in my jacket pocket, the one I wore yesterday while picking the girls up from school.

Crisis averted.

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