- Watching the kids open presents on Christmas morning in our own house
- Eating lots of dressing (and a little turkey) for Christmas dinner
- A room aglow with the lights from the Christmas tree
- My children's homemade ornaments
- The smell of cinnamon and spice candles
- Singing Silent Night acapella on Christmas Eve
- Wine and cheese for Christmas Eve dinner
- Listening to my children sing the now familiar Christmas hymns
- All of our family gathering for Christmas dinner
- The quiet of Christmas Night
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Day Three
For today's list, I thought I would get in the Christmas spirit this first week of December with a Christmas-themed list.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Day Two
I have some thoughts about college football but I want to make sure I get it just right. (And no, it's not about Auburn.) So here's Day Two of being thankful:
- K's dimples on her cheeks just below her hazel eyes
- L-isms that continue to make me laugh
- The way H winks when he asks a question
- S's big, round blue eyes
- Sunsets at the beach
- When K reads to H
- The legacy my parents are leaving my children
- Movies and popcorn on a rainy day
- The way H thinks that every football player wearing the number 2 jersey is Cam Newton
- Watching L when she does gymnastics
Monday, November 29, 2010
In a Hurry
"Girls, hurry up! We're leaving in 10 minutes!" I holler this upstairs to my girls on a daily basis. I wake them up in plenty of time to get dressed for school and have breakfast. Yet, on many occasions, they aren't ready until just before it's time to go. Then there's a mad dash to put cereal in a bag so they'll have something in their stomachs to last until lunch.
I'm always rushing in the morning, whether it's making lunches that I neglected to make the night before or putting a bag together for the gym or cleaning up a last-minute mess H made.
Then there's instant gratification, the rush of information available at my fingertips. I admit I have an iPhone and I really do love it. Since I'm not often home and near a computer, I have the ability to be reached at any time for any reason (including today when, while at work, K calls me to ask if she can have a cough drop because she's coughing really bad. She wants to know if I brought any cough medicine for her. Let's not forget that I work at the school where she attends and am just downstairs in the kitchen and it's during her lunch time. Not sure why she felt the need to call. It's not like the campus is that big. The kitchen and her classroom are in the same building. It took her longer to walk to the office and tell the school secretary that she needed to call me in the first place). I like knowing things quickly, staying on top of things, current events, sports (especially how my Auburn Tigers are doing and what everyone is saying about them, good and bad), and even little stories about my hometown. All of this is available on one little device.
Even the games on the iPhone are meant to be played quickly. I read an article about video game designers (in a real paper magazine, not online) and how they've had to rethink the video game concept to fit users who play on their iPod-type devices. People want games they can play in 10 minutes, not several hours.
I have a Facebook account and can see what all my "friends" are doing at any given moment. The only thing I don't subscribe to is Twitter and I just can't seem to get on that bandwagon. But you get my point. We get on demand TV and movies, internet just about anywhere and are always available to talk, text, email, etc.
Yet two things have happened in the last two weeks that have forced me to step back and say, "What's the hurry?" I have two friends who are dealing with ill parents. These people are my age and their parents are the same age as my parents. This isn't just the flu or a cold, we're talking major illnesses and surgeries and life-changing choices here.
Then there's this sign I saw for several weeks as I took the kids to school and back home again. It read, "Thanksgiving wasn't meant to be shut up in one day." I don't usually pay attention to those kinds of signs, in fact I rather loathe them as they always seem to be catchy-type, on the surface sayings. Nothing that really makes me think.
This one was different. I really thought about that and they're right: Thanksgiving wasn't meant to be shut up in one day. We are to be thankful all the time. I am to be thankful all the time. Scripture even tells us to pray with thanksgiving when we make our requests (Philippians 4:6-7). And what follows our requests made with thanksgiving? The peace that surpasses all understanding. Who wouldn't want that? Who wouldn't want a peace to calm all that hurrying we do?
So as not to speed past Thanksgiving and straight on into Christmas, I am going to list 10 things every day for which I am thankful (yes, Mod Girl, I took this idea from you). I'll do this through the end of the year. I encourage you to do the same.
I'm always rushing in the morning, whether it's making lunches that I neglected to make the night before or putting a bag together for the gym or cleaning up a last-minute mess H made.
Then there's instant gratification, the rush of information available at my fingertips. I admit I have an iPhone and I really do love it. Since I'm not often home and near a computer, I have the ability to be reached at any time for any reason (including today when, while at work, K calls me to ask if she can have a cough drop because she's coughing really bad. She wants to know if I brought any cough medicine for her. Let's not forget that I work at the school where she attends and am just downstairs in the kitchen and it's during her lunch time. Not sure why she felt the need to call. It's not like the campus is that big. The kitchen and her classroom are in the same building. It took her longer to walk to the office and tell the school secretary that she needed to call me in the first place). I like knowing things quickly, staying on top of things, current events, sports (especially how my Auburn Tigers are doing and what everyone is saying about them, good and bad), and even little stories about my hometown. All of this is available on one little device.
Even the games on the iPhone are meant to be played quickly. I read an article about video game designers (in a real paper magazine, not online) and how they've had to rethink the video game concept to fit users who play on their iPod-type devices. People want games they can play in 10 minutes, not several hours.
I have a Facebook account and can see what all my "friends" are doing at any given moment. The only thing I don't subscribe to is Twitter and I just can't seem to get on that bandwagon. But you get my point. We get on demand TV and movies, internet just about anywhere and are always available to talk, text, email, etc.
Yet two things have happened in the last two weeks that have forced me to step back and say, "What's the hurry?" I have two friends who are dealing with ill parents. These people are my age and their parents are the same age as my parents. This isn't just the flu or a cold, we're talking major illnesses and surgeries and life-changing choices here.
Then there's this sign I saw for several weeks as I took the kids to school and back home again. It read, "Thanksgiving wasn't meant to be shut up in one day." I don't usually pay attention to those kinds of signs, in fact I rather loathe them as they always seem to be catchy-type, on the surface sayings. Nothing that really makes me think.
This one was different. I really thought about that and they're right: Thanksgiving wasn't meant to be shut up in one day. We are to be thankful all the time. I am to be thankful all the time. Scripture even tells us to pray with thanksgiving when we make our requests (Philippians 4:6-7). And what follows our requests made with thanksgiving? The peace that surpasses all understanding. Who wouldn't want that? Who wouldn't want a peace to calm all that hurrying we do?
So as not to speed past Thanksgiving and straight on into Christmas, I am going to list 10 things every day for which I am thankful (yes, Mod Girl, I took this idea from you). I'll do this through the end of the year. I encourage you to do the same.
- My Lord and Savior and His death on the cross
- My husband
- My children
- My church family
- My school family, including those I work with
- Small town living (although it seems way too small at times)
- My job
- My husband's job that allows him to be home with us
- My home
- My parents and in-laws who are always willing to help where they can
Monday, November 15, 2010
It's Great to be an Auburn Tiger!
One more time in Auburn for me this football season. I was able to go to the AU/UGA game last Saturday, and boy was it fun. S and the kids stayed home while I spent the weekend with Sporty Mama and her family. I was completely exhausted when I got home but it was totally worth it. We won, in convincing fashion, and are headed to the SEC Championship. I have been so blessed this season to see three football games, something that hasn't happened since I was a student at AU.
And every time I walk in Jordan-Hare Stadium, I feel like I'm home again...
And every time I walk in Jordan-Hare Stadium, I feel like I'm home again...
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
We were blessed to be able to go to The Loveliest Village again this football season. This time, we were able to bring the kids along. We had a wonderful time taking them to Tiger Walk (S's first time, too), the game, and then to Toomer's Corner to roll the trees.
That's Cam's head in the middle. I'm proud of his accomplishments this season no matter what is being said about him these days. And he's just as impressive off the field.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Batman Lightyear
Monday, September 20, 2010
Thanks to Sporty Mama, S and I were able to go the AU/Clemson game this weekend. While it was WAY too close for my liking and we got home super late (2:00 am!) it was totally worth it. I am still recovering from the very late night but was so thankful for the opportunity to see my Auburn Tigers play in person. I also was able to have a mini sorority reunion with several Zeta sisters, some of whom I hadn't seen in over 10 years. We had a wonderful time reminiscing and catching up. We even saw the GameDay crew at the restaurant where we had dinner!

Not all the pictures are of the best quality but it's the best I could do with my little camera. Now I'm off to recover from what feels like jet lag...
Monday, September 6, 2010
What You Find When You Organize
Monday, August 30, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
I spent this rainy, dreary weekend with my friend of 15 years, Sporty Mama. She and I met my first week at Auburn and little did I know I had found a lifelong friend. We have shared many wonderful times together over these last 15 years but this was the first time we have spent any time together just the two of us. We went away for two whole nights without our husbands, without our children, without an agenda. Well, there was sort of an agenda: sleep late, eat whenever we want, retail therapy, and wine. That was about it. Oh, and her Fantasy Football draft.

We had a blessed time fellowshipping, laughing, sharing, and watching Auburn football clips from years past, including the kick that won the 1997 Iron Bowl, which just happened to be my 21st birthday. We also managed to squeeze in some amazing food, much-needed retail therapy, and a new margarita recipe. What a great way to spend a weekend!
Thanks, Sporty Mama, for being my friend!
Views of the Harbor from our hotel room
Monday, August 23, 2010
First Day of School 2010
A new year is officially here. I have resumed my Lunch Coordinator duties and K, L, and H have started school. I don't really know what to do with myself in the afternoons while H rests in after school care and the girls finish their day. Here are my three babies on their first day of school!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Happy 10th
On August 2, 2000, S proposed to me. I realized last night that it was the 10th anniversary of this blessed event. It reminded me of the pleasant surprise I received when I got home late from work.
I am still in love with that boy I fell in love with so many years ago. Thank you, honey, for asking me to be your wife. It is a true honor.
I am still in love with that boy I fell in love with so many years ago. Thank you, honey, for asking me to be your wife. It is a true honor.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Not Done Yet
So, I haven't dropped off the face of the earth although it does seem that way. Here's a brief recap of what's happened in the days since February 13:
- H turned 3. I could do a whole post about how difficult May 1 is, the day before his birthday is always very hard for me. I always cry when I put him to bed. I guess it's a reminder of God's grace and provision that either of us are here right now. I usually don't think about the night he was born but on May 1, it all comes back to me.
- We finished yet another year of school. K finished 2nd grade which is somewhat unbelievable. What's more unbelievable is that L finished Kindergarten and is reading like crazy. Growing way too fast.
- I finished my first year of working outside the home. I was so ready to be done with that mess it wasn't even funny. I am going to do the same thing this fall and will even have a whole day to myself when H is in school. K3 here we come!
- K turned 8. She is now a young lady, not a little girl. So sweet, such a helper, and has a very giving spirit.
- L turned 6. She is as spunky as ever and is way too young to be into dangly earrings. Yet she is. She still has her L-isms that keep me cracking up. I wish I could remember all of the ones she has come up with over the last 5 months. Alas, I cannot, as I cannot remember yesterday all that well. How am I supposed to remember 5 months ago?
- I got to spend a fabulous girls' weekend with a dear friend on a trip to my hometown. I also spent some much-needed one-on-one time with my mother. We have never spent that much time together since I got married. It was a definite blessing.
- We spend our very first Easter with Nana. We've always stayed home for that holiday as trying to get on the road after a big Easter dinner is almost impossible. However, this year the Easter holiday was the beginning of our spring break so we spent a couple of extra days with the grandparents.
- The kids, all of them, spent two weeks at a day camp at our school, focusing on cooking and art. We came home with some really cool art projects which I hope to share at some point.
- We have conquered potty training. No more diapers at this house!
Now that you're all caught up, I hope to continue to post blogs more regularly. My goal is to post once a week but that's a lofty expectation at this point. I pray all of you have been well!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Saturday, January 9, 2010
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