Monday, August 25, 2008

Holding Her Own

One preschooler + one baby + one stroller - one umbrella = waiting with other moms (and a dad), to allow the rain/torrential down pour to let up. The rain started just as I got L into her class room.

This was actually a good thing because I was able to talk to some of the other mamas in the class. I don't often get to do this with them because I drop off L as early as possible due to scheduling. However, these other mamas are usually late to arrive so I don't get to see them.

As is common (actually it's more like a law), the conversation turned to our children. The lone dad in the group was saying that his son, J, is a middle child and shy, taking his time getting to know everyone. J is new to the school this year. Another mom said that her child, also a middle, was the same way: very quiet, very deliberate, and takes awhile to warm up to new situations.

And then there's L. Again a middle child but nothing like the ones described above. I made the comment that L is the complete opposite and the dad said, "That's L? She's your daughter? I've heard about L. We know all about her." This from the father of a child who has known L for all of 3 days. I think she's doing just fine as one of 4 girls in a class of 13.

1 comment:

Christian - Modobject@Home said...

This made me grin. She is a firecracker! Cute, cute story; you'll be glad you wrote this one down for the ages.