Friday, January 30, 2009

His Timing is Perfect

There's been something on my mind lately that I haven't shared with all my bloggy friends and with few others. I felt I needed time to digest the situation before I could publicly talk about it. Here goes.

On December 1, S lost his job due to "work-force reduction." I have come to hate that phrase in the last 2 months. We were floored to hear this news and, understandably, devastated and immediately got down on our knees to pray that God would lead us in the right direction.

There have been lots of tears over the last 2 months and we have really had to step out in faith that God will provide for our family. We've had to make some big decisions, including the one to put our house on the market and possibly live with family while S searches for a job.

I had Bunco last night and since I had a ride (thanks Pam!) I only took my money and my cell phone (which is normally in my purse but was in my back pocket). In the middle of the game my phone rang and it was S. I knew it had to be important since he knew I was at Bunco. He told me to drink another beer because he got a job. He didn't know too many details, even where it would be, but it was a job with the same company and with the same salary.

This is, understandably, a huge answer to prayer. God has been so faithful to provide for us in this very difficult time. You see, today was the last day of S's severance package and it would have been infinitely more difficult for him to get a job with his previous employer (lots of red tape) if he didn't get re-hired by them by COB today. Not to mention the loss in salary! We are preparing to move although we don't know where (again with this faith thing) but trusting the Lord to provide a buyer for our house, a new house in a new city, and the right school for our children.

Thanks to all of you who knew about our situation and faithfully prayed for us. We have seen the fruits!


Christian - Modobject@Home said...

We're still praising God today, and marveling at His perfect provision and timing. His hand is SO evident, and I have faith that it will continue to be as you continue to walk in faith down this hard path.

"No good thing does He withhold..."

Anonymous said...

Yet another post for me to praise God with you on!!! Oh how wonderful to know that God is our ultimate provider! Jonathan got unexpectedly layed off from his job when I was pregnant with Joseph, so we can relate to the uncertainly and faith required to walk through this valley (though the economy is worse off now - God is soooo good! S's job is such a praise!) The only thing is, I don't want ya'll to move! But "it's not about me". I'll bet you've had that one pop into your head a lot throughout this. It's nice to know God already knows all the unknowns. We'll be excited to find out what His plans are for your family. :) Love you guys. Sorry this is soo long. I should have emailed!!