I'm not a collector of anything really but I found this camera at a flea market in Virginia about 7 years ago. According to a little research I did, I found that the Kodak Duaflex IV was manufactured by Kodak from 1947-1960. It takes 620 film (which isn't easy to come by) and is a fixed focus camera. That means that you'd better know what you're doing or your picture won't be clear. My grandfather had an old camera that I got when he died and this one, somehow, reminds me of him even though it's not the one he had.
H's newest passion is books. What a great passion! He loves to bring me books and we read them and then look back through all the pictures. K loves to read and I think she's being a wonderful role model. At least she's teaching him something positive!
This has been a lazy morning, cold and quiet so I've enjoyed playing with H, savoring every minute of his toddler-hood. It won't last long.
Oh goody, can't wait to see what you can capture with the lens! Your motivations were very much mine when I first started shooting daily. I realized what a waste it was to have a nice camera and not use... and I realized that many aspects of my life right now will change and/or disappear with time. I want to hold onto glimpses.
Very cool old camera. The professor would love it!
The cameras aren't hard to come by. This one was purchased for about $8 and that's probably too much. And thinking of strawberries as photogenic is kind of funny! But they really are. We eat them up so quickly that it's hard to get a picture of them...
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