Monday, September 24, 2007

The Girls and the Rain

In addition to my attempt at finding the beauty in simple things, I'm also trying to take some more time with the girls. I've been so bogged down in getting other things done that I often forget to have quality time with them. Even if it's just 10 minutes of reading or playing outside, I feel that they've gotten the short end of the stick this summer what with Mama being in the hospital twice and recovering from two resulting surgeries. So I took my camera outside the other day to enjoy the girls playing in the rain.

I will tell you that L is a lover of rain. She opened the back door, as it was pouring outside, and said, "Oh, Mama! Do you hear it? That's the rain! It sounds soooo good." She comes by it honestly as I love to watch rain and thunderstorms. This was inherited by my father who would rather sit out on the front porch and watch the storm blow through than to do just about anything else. Except golf. Which you shouldn't do in a thunderstorm anyway.

Yes, that's K wearing a robe and L wearing a princess dress...backwards.

1 comment:

boomama said...

They are absolutely adorable. Week before last A. and I went outside and jumped up and down in the rain, and he's STILL talking about it. Such a sweet memory....