Monday, February 23, 2009


We got home from our little trip on Friday evening, exhausted and ready for bed even though it was only 6:30. I was so happy to see the kids in spite of the aforementioned exhaustion. Our trip was interesting and informative. I took the opportunity to drive around some neighborhoods and we looked at a few houses although I didn't see anything I just had to have.

In fact, this trip brought up a lot of emotions that have been boiling under the surface for quite awhile. There is some excitement about moving to a new city and discovering new things. I remember how thrilling it was to move to DC, to be the new girl, to meet new people and make new friends. It was invigorating and refreshing.

Now that I'm settled with a husband, three children, and a house to call my own, I don't want to move. I told S that I'd be happier about it if we were moving to a city where I really wanted to live. The move is going to be difficult no matter what but I could look forward to it if I really wanted to live in this city. But I don't. I have zero desire to live there, to raise my family there, to put down roots there.

We did get to go to a really nice Spanish restaurant that was so good I needed a wheelbarrow to carry me out at the end of the dinner. We went with S's new boss and his wife and they are truly lovely people and I think S will be happy working for him. I'm trying to find positives in this situation, knowing that God has a perfect plan for our family.

1 comment:

Christian - Modobject@Home said...

I'm sorry... moving is hard, especially when you don't want to leave.

I'm curious, will it be O. or T.? I haven't heard...

We are praying about all the big and little details.