So, we won! It was beautiful. I'm still kicking myself because I didn't get a t-shirt a few years ago that said "Fear the Thumb" in reference to our streak of beating Alabama. Now that shirt would be obsolete and I am, frankly, a bit superstitious about such things and if I had actually gotten the shirt we would have lost last year and I would get no satisfaction out of that shirt. (Sorry about the run-on sentence). But we won last year and this year, too. Oh the joy! It was a great birthday present.
Actually, ten years ago, my 21st birthday was the day of the Auburn/Alabama game. I lived by two football players. The game was in Auburn. We won at the last second on a field goal (a very long field goal as I recall). It was just fabulous. What a birthday that was.
Fast forward ten years and my how times have changed. I am so thankful for the life I've been given. I have a wonderful husband, three beautiful children (even if they are beasts at times) and family and friends I cherish. This past year has been full of smiles and trials and I wouldn't change one minute of it!
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