Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Things They Learn When You're Not Looking

Yesterday, on the way home from the gym, I had to stop for a red light. The gas station on the corner is undergoing some renovations and the kids (meaning my girls) always ask what they're doing and wonder, aloud, what those big machines do.

Then L piped up and asked, "What is that hand for?" I'm thinking she's talking about something in the car or something related to the gas station. I, for the life of me, can not figure out what she's talking about. I said, "What hand are you talking about?" Again, she asked, "What is that hand for?" I'm still baffled as to what hand she is referring. It's one of those moments where you feel completely lost and would love to answer your child's questions but just can't. I don't like that feeling.

K, on the other hand, knew exactly what L was talking about. She said, "It means you're not supposed to walk across the street." That's when I looked up and realized that L was referring to the red hand on the crosswalk sign indicating it was not safe to cross the street.

I am so amazed that K, at five, knows what she knows. Some things are taught at school; many more things are taught at home. But there is so much that children just pick up on. When I asked where she learned that she said, "I don't know. I just knew it."

Edited to Add: After telling S this story, he informed me L asked the same question the other day. He answered her which is how K knew the answer when I was around. So much for thinking my child is brilliant. Well, I know she's brilliant, just not about this particular subject.

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