Thursday, June 26, 2008

He's Going to be Trouble

Since B is staying with us for a while, she is a huge help around the house. It's amazing what happens when there's an extra adult in the house. She has been so helpful to S and me, including doing the laundry and cleaning the kitchen. I think I'll just keep her!

We've also gotten the opportunity to spend some one-on-one time with each other. For example, the other day we were able to visit a wine store and get some other necessities along the way. We left all 7 kids with S, knowing that he is perfectly capable of handling the situation.

When I got home, I noticed that the house smelled like air freshener. In fact, it was quite strong. S met B and I in the kitchen and informed us that there had been a small "incident." No one was hurt so I was okay for the moment.

Last week, in an effort to help with the rapid consumption of laundry products, B purchased a large, gallon-sized container of fabric softener. It was sitting on the floor of the laundry room still in the bag awaiting the emptying of our current bottle. Someone, I'm not naming any names, left the laundry room door open. In the meantime, the boys, including S, were busy playing an attention-robbing video game and lost track of H. When S found him, he was in the middle of the laundry room floor, seated in a puddle of fabric softener. Somehow he got the top off (a twist-off top) and proceeded to empty the entire contents of the bottle. Y'all, that's a lot of fabric softener. There was approximately an inch of softener left in the bottle.

S did his best to clean up H and the laundry room. We've had to lift up the washer and dryer to clean out from under them. The floor has been mopped several times with several different cleaning solutions and is finally getting back to normal.

Oh, when S did the initial clean-up he used some dirty beach towels that were waiting to be washed. They came out of the dryer smelling really fresh and were really soft. H was no worse for the wear other than needing a bath and clean clothes. He didn't ingest any so there was no need for poison control. I'm guessing S found him pretty early in the dumping out of the fabric softener.

Where's the camera when you need it?

1 comment:

Christian - Modobject@Home said...

Oh my goodness! A GALLON?! What a mess. How on earth did H get the cap off... amazing!