It's been almost a week since I posted and I'm not sure where time went.
L had her Thanksgiving program and subsequent "feast" on Wednesday and was so very cute. She was dressed as a pilgrim girl and was just adorable. Will post pictures eventually. I use the term "feast" very loosely as the lunch consisted of chicken nuggets, corn, lady peas, and rolls. L ate about 10 nuggets and I lost count as to how many nuggets H ate. He kept grabbing them off the tray and stuffing them in his mouth. I know he started out with four. My guess is that he finished with about as many as L.
My birthday was Saturday and it was wonderful. I got to do whatever I wanted and ate whatever I wanted, including a nice dinner out with S and my mom. It was lovely and we had a very good time. I think the last time Nana got to go out with us without children was before K was born. Auburn didn't play Saturday so that meant I couldn't get upset about yet another loss. I'm just ready for the season to be over and to move on. We've learned a lot from this season but it's time for it to be over.
K's Thanksgiving feast was today and I forgot my camera. The whole class stood in front of the parents and, individually, gave their name and what they were thankful for. This is not K's forte but she did what she was supposed to do and did quite well. She was very clear and concise and not one bit scared. This Mama was very proud and I told her just that. This feast truly was a feast. We had turkey, ham, the aforementioned chicken nuggets, corn casserole, beans, rolls, cornbread, mac & cheese, and potatoes. I was in charge of dressing and made more than enough so now I don't have to make that for our Thanksgiving. It's already taken care of! K is also about to lose her second tooth and can't wait for it to come out. I guess losing teeth never really gets old. The tooth fairy was very generous with the first tooth ($2!) but much stingier with each additional tooth (more like 25 cents).
We have one more day of school this week and then we're off. I'm thankful for that. So that's what's going on here. I hope your week is full of fun, good food, and family.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
It's Getting Busy
It's that time of year, time when all sorts of things are happening: parties, programs, birthdays, holidays. I love it and hate it all at once. I believe most of you know what I mean.
L has a Thanksgiving program tomorrow followed by lunch in her classroom, to include parents and siblings. I'm pretty sure H will be more interested in all the toys rather than the food. I realize that's not the norm but call it mother's intuition.
Nana is coming for the weekend (unbeknownst to the children) to celebrate a birthday. This means I have to clean up the guest room as I've let the kids play up there a little too much in recent weeks. At least there aren't too many toys and the sheets for the bed are clean.
K's class has a Thanksgiving lunch on Monday, to include parents and siblings, for which I have to make dressing. I volunteered to do this because I didn't want someone bringing Stove Top and calling it "homemade." That is just wrong on so many levels.
Papa and PJ are coming for Thanksgiving and we're all looking forward to that as the kids haven't seen them since April. Papa's been very busy with work and a long drive just hasn't been in the cards for them. Should be lots of fun with lots of good food.
We saw a really cute movie a few weeks ago called Chaos Theory. Very good, minimal language, and clean. Totally worth the money spent to rent.
So that's about it. I have a video of H walking that I still need to download from the camera and will post when that's done. Hope all of you are having a good week!
L has a Thanksgiving program tomorrow followed by lunch in her classroom, to include parents and siblings. I'm pretty sure H will be more interested in all the toys rather than the food. I realize that's not the norm but call it mother's intuition.
Nana is coming for the weekend (unbeknownst to the children) to celebrate a birthday. This means I have to clean up the guest room as I've let the kids play up there a little too much in recent weeks. At least there aren't too many toys and the sheets for the bed are clean.
K's class has a Thanksgiving lunch on Monday, to include parents and siblings, for which I have to make dressing. I volunteered to do this because I didn't want someone bringing Stove Top and calling it "homemade." That is just wrong on so many levels.
Papa and PJ are coming for Thanksgiving and we're all looking forward to that as the kids haven't seen them since April. Papa's been very busy with work and a long drive just hasn't been in the cards for them. Should be lots of fun with lots of good food.
We saw a really cute movie a few weeks ago called Chaos Theory. Very good, minimal language, and clean. Totally worth the money spent to rent.
So that's about it. I have a video of H walking that I still need to download from the camera and will post when that's done. Hope all of you are having a good week!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Big News
No, I'm not pregnant (would take a miracle).
Now that that's out of the way, I thought I'd share this because I need to. Last night, we went to a friend's house to celebrate Veteran's Day. All of the men/Daddies are military of some sort, either veterans of a war, prior active duty or reserves. We had a fantastic time, ate way too much, and stayed way too late. We even got to roast marshmallows and have s'mores. Yummy!
But the big news of the night is that H walked. Yes he walked! And not just two steps but at least 10 to go from S to me. And back again. He went back and forth, back and forth, so very proud of himself, smiling the whole time. Then he got tired and was ready to go home.
Y'all this is such an answer to prayer, such a reminder that God does miracles as H's life is, in and of itself, a miracle. I wanted to cry tears of joy last night but they didn't fall until this morning. At our last appointment, H's doctor suggested we have him evaluated at our convenience but I don't think that's necessary now. We know he can do it, he knows he can do it and that's what matters.
He's yet to do much at home but I believe that's due to him being exhausted from having stayed up too late and getting up too early. I think with a good nap he'll be running laps around us!
Thanks to all of you, my dear friends, for your prayers on behalf of H and myself. This Mama's heart was burdened for him, praying that he would walk, that there wouldn't be anything truly wrong with him. He is, apparently, doing just fine!
Now that that's out of the way, I thought I'd share this because I need to. Last night, we went to a friend's house to celebrate Veteran's Day. All of the men/Daddies are military of some sort, either veterans of a war, prior active duty or reserves. We had a fantastic time, ate way too much, and stayed way too late. We even got to roast marshmallows and have s'mores. Yummy!
But the big news of the night is that H walked. Yes he walked! And not just two steps but at least 10 to go from S to me. And back again. He went back and forth, back and forth, so very proud of himself, smiling the whole time. Then he got tired and was ready to go home.
Y'all this is such an answer to prayer, such a reminder that God does miracles as H's life is, in and of itself, a miracle. I wanted to cry tears of joy last night but they didn't fall until this morning. At our last appointment, H's doctor suggested we have him evaluated at our convenience but I don't think that's necessary now. We know he can do it, he knows he can do it and that's what matters.
He's yet to do much at home but I believe that's due to him being exhausted from having stayed up too late and getting up too early. I think with a good nap he'll be running laps around us!
Thanks to all of you, my dear friends, for your prayers on behalf of H and myself. This Mama's heart was burdened for him, praying that he would walk, that there wouldn't be anything truly wrong with him. He is, apparently, doing just fine!
Blog Extravaganza, Part Three
I completely forgot to post these pictures yesterday. So many pictures, so little time
We were at a birthday party for one of L's friends on Saturday, complete with petting zoo and pony rides. L is not a fan of animals and runs from any type of dog imaginable. She's not quite as bad with the little ones but it's just not pretty. It's a good thing we don't have one. She's not fond of cats, either, so it may be awhile before we get any pet other than a fish.
We were at a birthday party for one of L's friends on Saturday, complete with petting zoo and pony rides. L is not a fan of animals and runs from any type of dog imaginable. She's not quite as bad with the little ones but it's just not pretty. It's a good thing we don't have one. She's not fond of cats, either, so it may be awhile before we get any pet other than a fish.
So I didn't have high expectations for Saturday and figured she'd just play in the back yard while the other kids played with the animals. She did play in the back yard only after she played with the animals, including a silky chicken (looks like a chicken covered in rabbit fur), rabbits, ducks, goats, and a miniature horse named Shorty. And when it came time for the pony ride? She jumped right in line and wasn't afraid. Of course, I had the camera on hand to get evidence of this phenomenon.

Monday, November 10, 2008
Blog Extravaganza, Part Two
Here's the rest of the new pictures. I probably should call this The Post About L but it doesn't go with the "Blog Extravaganza" theme.
Yesterday at church we celebrated communion. K and L are too young to take part but still ask why they can't have the bread and juice (won't get into that here). Anyway, L was sitting on my lap and after I ate my bread, we had a conversation that went something like this:
L: What was in that bread?
Me: What do you mean?
L: Were there nuts in it?
Me: Um, no.
L: Did it have peanut butter in it? (she asked this with a chuckle)
I realized that she was asking these questions because she knows she's not allowed to have nuts or peanuts (allergies) and was trying to figure out why she couldn't have the bread. Ah, young inquiring minds.
We had a Veteran's day program today at school at it was wonderful. The entire preschool sang two songs, including God Bless America. It was so sweet to hear their precious voices. My favorite part was the flag the preschoolers made. Each class helped by using their hands as stars and their feet as the stripes in the flag. Very, very cute.
Here's a picture of the preschoolers singing. Do you see L? She's behind the little girl in the black and white striped top. I was at the wrong angle so I didn't get any good shots of her. I did get to see her little hands go up when they were doing the motions during the songs but that's about it.

See the stars and stripes? Too cute!

Blog Extravaganza, Part One
I'm back! Get ready for some pictures of the kiddos. I've got Halloween and Veteran's Day pictures to share with you so let's start with Halloween.
K was an Auburn cheerleader even though we aren't having the best of seasons. I'm still a proud supporter of my Tigers but it's just not the season we hoped it would be. There's always next year!

L wanted to be a princess so I let her pick from the many princess outfits we already own and she chose wisely. They had face painting at school that day and I thought it looked really cute.

Poor H. This a picture of him on Halloween but not in costume. He was Eeyore for all of about 45 minutes and I didn't have the camera in my hand. I was too busy manning L's class booth and chasing around an 18-month-old who really wanted to go up the stairs to the Treat Walk. It was interesting to say the least.

There's more but I'll put that in a separate post...
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
I Know, I Know
I know I haven't posted the much-anticipated (HA!) pictures of the kids in their costumes but I still haven't gotten them off the camera. It's a combo of busyness and laziness; take your pick.
This week has been busy and it's only Wednesday. I feel like time is flying by and slowly moving along all at the same time. Ever feel that way?
We went to the pediatrician on Monday for H's 18-month checkup. He's doing just fine except for the walking thing. The doctor said that we should have him evaluated at our convenience since he believes that H is just lazy and needs a little confidence. He can do all the walking he wants as long as he's holding on to something. Maybe I'm just too quick to pick him up and don't want to push him. However, I'm ready for him to walk. Ah, the irony.
K had to go with us as she was due for a booster shot and let me tell you, that was an experience. You see, when I was little, I hated shots (actually I still do but it's manageable) and even cowered in the corner once to avoid the shot. The corner is not the place to hide as I was trapped and got the shot anyway.
To make a long story short, it took 3 of us (me, S, and the nurse) to hold her down long enough to get the one shot, never mind that I was also holding H at the time. Thank goodness S was with me because I wouldn't have been able to do it myself. K is awfully strong!
So that's been our week. I'll post pictures when I can. In the meantime, here's a picture of my friend's twin girls. They are a year older than H and just adorable. Handfuls but adorable.

Saturday, November 1, 2008
Halloween Pictures Coming!
I promise to post Halloween pictures ASAP as they really are cute. I still have to get a picture of H in his costume as he wouldn't stay in it very long. They all had a great time and L even went trick-or-treating which she said she didn't want to do until the very last minute. It was lots of fun!
Now I'm off to watch Auburn football...
Now I'm off to watch Auburn football...
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