Yesterday at church we celebrated communion. K and L are too young to take part but still ask why they can't have the bread and juice (won't get into that here). Anyway, L was sitting on my lap and after I ate my bread, we had a conversation that went something like this:
L: What was in that bread?
Me: What do you mean?
L: Were there nuts in it?
Me: Um, no.
L: Did it have peanut butter in it? (she asked this with a chuckle)
I realized that she was asking these questions because she knows she's not allowed to have nuts or peanuts (allergies) and was trying to figure out why she couldn't have the bread. Ah, young inquiring minds.
We had a Veteran's day program today at school at it was wonderful. The entire preschool sang two songs, including God Bless America. It was so sweet to hear their precious voices. My favorite part was the flag the preschoolers made. Each class helped by using their hands as stars and their feet as the stripes in the flag. Very, very cute.
Here's a picture of the preschoolers singing. Do you see L? She's behind the little girl in the black and white striped top. I was at the wrong angle so I didn't get any good shots of her. I did get to see her little hands go up when they were doing the motions during the songs but that's about it.

See the stars and stripes? Too cute!

Cute conversation. She's full of questions, isn't she?! And I love that flag!
that looks like it was such a cute program! we should have come... i will have to remember that for next year.
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