I know I haven't posted the much-anticipated (HA!) pictures of the kids in their costumes but I still haven't gotten them off the camera. It's a combo of busyness and laziness; take your pick.
This week has been busy and it's only Wednesday. I feel like time is flying by and slowly moving along all at the same time. Ever feel that way?
We went to the pediatrician on Monday for H's 18-month checkup. He's doing just fine except for the walking thing. The doctor said that we should have him evaluated at our convenience since he believes that H is just lazy and needs a little confidence. He can do all the walking he wants as long as he's holding on to something. Maybe I'm just too quick to pick him up and don't want to push him. However, I'm ready for him to walk. Ah, the irony.
K had to go with us as she was due for a booster shot and let me tell you, that was an experience. You see, when I was little, I hated shots (actually I still do but it's manageable) and even cowered in the corner once to avoid the shot. The corner is not the place to hide as I was trapped and got the shot anyway.
To make a long story short, it took 3 of us (me, S, and the nurse) to hold her down long enough to get the one shot, never mind that I was also holding H at the time. Thank goodness S was with me because I wouldn't have been able to do it myself. K is awfully strong!
So that's been our week. I'll post pictures when I can. In the meantime, here's a picture of my friend's twin girls. They are a year older than H and just adorable. Handfuls but adorable.

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