We were at a birthday party for one of L's friends on Saturday, complete with petting zoo and pony rides. L is not a fan of animals and runs from any type of dog imaginable. She's not quite as bad with the little ones but it's just not pretty. It's a good thing we don't have one. She's not fond of cats, either, so it may be awhile before we get any pet other than a fish.
So I didn't have high expectations for Saturday and figured she'd just play in the back yard while the other kids played with the animals. She did play in the back yard only after she played with the animals, including a silky chicken (looks like a chicken covered in rabbit fur), rabbits, ducks, goats, and a miniature horse named Shorty. And when it came time for the pony ride? She jumped right in line and wasn't afraid. Of course, I had the camera on hand to get evidence of this phenomenon.

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