Wednesday, May 28, 2008

All of the Taste, None of the Guilt

Many of you know that I started exercising regularly in an effort to get healthy. I've also changed my eating habits to go along with said exercise so that I'm not eating 5,000 calories in desserts yet don't feel guilty because, you know, I went to the gym. And then I feel guilty the next day. It's a vicious cycle.

So I saw a cooking magazine in the grocery store and thought I'd check it out. Now you must know that when I read magazines, I start from the back. I don't know why and don't really know what purpose it serves but I do. This time, I was rewarded with this fantastic recipe. And while I'm not supposed to have tons of carbs, I felt this was a good one in which to indulge my sweet tooth. I did substitute whole wheat flour for the all-purpose and used non-fat buttermilk, making it that much more wholesome. And if you don't like blueberries, any berry would do and taste just as good!


Christian - Modobject@Home said...

Oh wow, that sounds great. I think it'll make the perfect Father's Day breakfast treat in a few weeks for my blueberry coffeecake loving husband.

As for magazine reading, I think you start at the back because you used to always work the crossword puzzles in the back of People. :)

Beth said...

I don't know if I've ever had a bad dessert from Cooking Light!

Sounds great. And I'm all about substituting wheat flour whenever possible!

susan said...

I just found your blog by clicking on Mod Girl's link. I cannot imagine that your children could be any more beautiful. I am so glad that you had a good outcome with H's birth. I am amazed at that story and how you had such peace. Ironically, I am 33 weeks and 4 days today, so it hits home. I am so glad I'll be able to keep up with you this way! Hope you are well!

susan (lewis)