Wednesday, May 28, 2008
All of the Taste, None of the Guilt
So I saw a cooking magazine in the grocery store and thought I'd check it out. Now you must know that when I read magazines, I start from the back. I don't know why and don't really know what purpose it serves but I do. This time, I was rewarded with this fantastic recipe. And while I'm not supposed to have tons of carbs, I felt this was a good one in which to indulge my sweet tooth. I did substitute whole wheat flour for the all-purpose and used non-fat buttermilk, making it that much more wholesome. And if you don't like blueberries, any berry would do and taste just as good!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Awards Day

Friday, May 23, 2008
The Day the Craziness Begins
I think back to this time last year as K finished preschool and was headed to kindergarten. And L was registered for preschool for the very first time. H was brand new and still wasn't allowed to be around lots of people. In addition, Memorial Day weekend was when I found out I needed to have another major surgery to remove my gallbladder. What a great birthday present that was for my mom! Everyone was exhausted that week.
This summer has much more promise. H is old enough to take him anywhere we want to go. The girls are much more independent and don't need me as much to help them. And I'm kind of looking forward to the summer. Last year I dreaded it as it meant I had to deal with a preemie and two other young children. However, this summer is different. With K being in school every day, I feel like I don't see her as much and will enjoy having her around more. Plus she'll be entering first grade in the fall and will have to end her school day almost two hours later than this year.
So what are your summer plans?
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Kindergarten Graduation
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Tag, Blog Style
*Link to the person who tagged you.
*Mention the rules in your blog.
*Tell about six unspectacular quirks of yours.
*Tag a new set of bloggers by linking them.
Basically, I'm completely odd but I had to come up with only six so here they are, in random order:
- I hate being hot, especially at night. I would love to live somewhere that stayed about 68 degrees year round.
- I can fit my fist in my mouth.
- I will take the pecans off of a pecan pie and just eat the inside (which is basically sugar and eggs) because I don't like pecans.
- I had three imaginary friends when I was little: Dank, Mimp, and Little Girl. Don't ask where I got the names but I often blamed things on Little Girl. They lived in the fireplace until they had to move. Behind our sofa.
- Roaches creep me out. I can handle any other kind of bug, snake, worm, or crawly creature except roaches. They make my toes curl.
- I love Project Runway. I'm not into fashion, I don't love to sew, nor have I made any clothes. Ever. But I love this show. Don't ask me why.
Now, who to tag? I think I'll tag Mod Girl because, well just because. We need to hear some quirky things about her! Ooh, and Ten Little Toes. That would be a fun one!
...An End-of-the-Year Party Today
Preschool Program Last Night And...
Monday, May 19, 2008
A Whirlwind Weekend

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Strawberry Patch

Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day
What a precious family I have!
Proverbs 23:25
May your father and mother be glad; may she who gave you birth rejoice! (And I do!)
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Flee From Temptation!
This is all true except when it comes to groceries. I usually look for good bargains at our local supermarket. My favorite is the buy one get one free shelf at the front of the store. They often have their 100% juice on sale and that's the only time I buy juice. I stock up then so I don't have to pay full price later on.
About 2 weeks ago, there was the BOGOF deal on some toddler juice that is already watered down. We always water down our juice because the kids don't need that sugar and it stretches a gallon of juice much further to do so. (Nana joked that when the kids started school they would find out, among other things, what juice is supposed to taste like.) So I bought the toddler juice figuring I wouldn't have to worry about watering it down since the makers of said juice had already done it for me.
Do not be fooled by this horrible marketing ploy. We went through that juice so fast that I don't even remember what flavor it was. Oh, you juice makers and your marketing department! You expect me to pay the same amount of money for something that is only 53% juice when I could get 100% juice? You got me this time but no longer. I will flee from the tempation of pre-watered-down juice from now on.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
The Curse of the Roasted Chicken
- the time he roasted a chicken that had been in the freezer forever and it turned out to be bad. We had to go out for lunch that Sunday.
- the time he roasted a chicken with marsala wine in the roasting pan the oven door blew open
- the countless times he roasted a chicken to be done at dinner time but it took at least an hour longer
Well, it must run in the family. A few weeks ago, I found a fantastic deal on whole chicken breasts. Basically, it's the roaster without the legs, thighs, and wings. It was 99 cents/pound and since it was small, it cost a whopping $2. I realize that it wouldn't exactly feed an army but it would feed our family just fine. So I defrosted it yesterday and cooked it last night.
It was wonderful once it was done. 45 minutes after I had intended. Let's just say the kids had a fantastic dinner of mac & cheese and broccoli without the chicken!
Monday, May 5, 2008
A New Use for the Tub

Teacher Appreciation Week

Saturday, May 3, 2008
Cool Video
Happy Birthday H!

Friday, May 2, 2008
An Open Letter to H
I've been told by several medical professionals that I very well could have died that night. You were in that same danger, too. I actually didn't know how touch and go you were until just a few months ago. We are both so blessed to be here and I know God is going to do something mighty through both of us as you are a living testimony to His grace and mercy.
At 24 pounds no one would know you were a preemie. Having weighed only 5lbs, 12oz at birth, you have come a very long way. I remember the first time seeing you in your NICU bed, hooked up to umpteen monitors and tubes. You were on a special machine to assist your breathing (as it was very labored). It was May 3, almost 24 hours after you were born before I got to see you. Having worked in a hospital with children prior to becoming a mom, I was familiar with all the medical equipment. I will tell you, though, it's a completely different thing to see your child hooked up to all those wires and tubes. My first impression of you was that you were so tiny! K was 4lbs heavier than you at birth and L was 3 so you were itty bitty. The amazing thing is I didn't cry. I just smiled with the joy of a mother seeing her child for the very first time. This beautiful boy was mine.
I remember finally crying on Friday night about the entire situation. I was alone, attempting to get some much-needed rest, having just said good night to your father, when a flood of emotions took over and the tears were free-flowing. My heart told me to go to the NICU and check on you but my head told me I needed to rest while I could and the nurses would be taking very good care of you. Even though I couldn't hold you, I wanted to be near you. But the peace that had come over me in the midst of your birth took over me again. What a necessity it was that night.
You've brought countless smiles to my face, making many bad days melt away. You've brought me more tears than either of your sisters did in their first year. I love watching your personality blossom as you are just now beginning the transition from baby boy to little boy. I love watching you look for your sisters and try to get into their stuff. And I love the way you snuggle with me at the end of a long day drifting, slowly, into slumber.
Happy Birthday, Son!
In the NICU the day after you were born...
On your first birthday...