Monday, December 21, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Oldies but Goodies
Monday, December 7, 2009
Big Boy Room

H now has his big boy room. We took down the crib on Saturday, H even helped, so obviously he was more than ready to be in the big bed. He's done great. The first night he woke up twice but since then has done really well. And he's so proud of himself. He gets up every morning and says, "I sleep in my big boy bed, Mommy!" The room looks really good, too. Much more room in which to play. Now it just needs some finishing touches like pictures on the wall.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Growing Up Fast
Monday, November 30, 2009
Lest You Think...
- L got a second cast on her wrist after they x-rayed it to make sure the bone was healing properly and discovered that she had stuck a penny in it
- H got his first big boy hair cut
- If K grows any more she's going to be taller than me by the time she's eight. And I'm not short.
- S has been to the UK twice
- We went on a very short getaway with Sporty Mama and her Hubby
- I've watched too many AU losses although our most recent loss was one I was actually ok with. Frankly, I thought we would get our butts handed to us and we hung on until the very end. I was extremely proud of those guys for showing up and giving us a great game. WAR EAGLE!
- I had a fabulous birthday dinner lovingly prepared by my sweet husband, complete with steak au poivre, fresh asparagus and angel food cake with strawberry sauce and fresh whipped cream

Friday, October 2, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Some Things Never Change

Tuesday, September 1, 2009
My Brain is a Ball of Mush
We're still getting used to the school schedule which seems to be going well but it's hard to get the kids to bed earlier. While it's nice for S and I to have a little more quiet time in the evening, losing just 30 minutes is a lot!
The job is going quite well even though I have H with me in the tiny school kitchen. It's really a pretty good deal except I'm on my feet all day. As long as there is plenty of food for him, H stays out of the way and even helps sometimes. The only issue I've had is the sweet little first and second graders who come through to heat up a lunch they've brought from home. If there are 10 kids who have to heat their lunch and I only allow them one minute to do so, that's 10 minutes that kids are standing there heating things up. And here are a few examples of the questions I hear over and over:
- How long do I heat this up?
- Do you have a plate?
- How does this microwave work?
- Do you have a spoon?
- Where is the trash can?
- This is too hot.
- Can you open this for me?
I honestly would love to help all of them but I can't seeing as I'm slightly busy handing out the 120 lunches that were ordered. It's craziness I tell ya! I had one 11th grader tell me that she was never again bringing something to heat up. Granted, there is more than one microwave but with the shear volume of children coming through to heat things up, it feels like there's only one.
So here's a recommendation to you parents who send lunches that need to be warmed up: don't. It makes life easier on everyone. But please know that your children are sweet even if they aren't old enough to work the microwave. Maybe I can teach a class on microwave use while I'm waiting to pick up L. Sounds good to me!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
First Day of School 2009
I have found my return to work to be exhausting. It's been almost 8 years since I've worked outside the home and it's tough even though it's only a couple of hours each day. The nice thing is that the day goes by quickly with the rush of lunches and kids and teachers and kids and food and all sorts of other stuff. Last night I crashed at 9:00 and woke up at 6:00am having not moved one bit. I'm pretty sure I was tired.
I have some sweet pictures of the girls on their first day, complete with new backpacks but I haven't uploaded them from the camera. That's mainly because I'm lazy and won't go downstairs right now to get the camera so I can put pictures on the blog.
It's been well worth it, though, to be around my girls all day and to see the kids in the school. They are a great group of kids and I'm having fun getting to know them even if it's only for a moment.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
So Here's What's Going On
Monday, August 3, 2009
Summer is Winding Down
The answer didn't come right away. We had to find things to do, take short day trips, host friends, play with family. We had several guests stay with us including Sporty Mama, had a big birthday party for L, and hosted S's sister for 2 weeks. Her four children stayed at the grandparents' house and took turns staying with us. We had a fabulous time with all of these people, ate really good food and laughed a lot.
The girls are getting excited about school starting (that will eventually fade so I'm trying to encourage it for as long as I can), especially L who will be starting Kindergarten. I know I'll be a ball of mush on the first day of school and must remember to have tissues in my purse that day. We've purchased school supplies, new backpacks and Gran surprised the girls with new lunch bags which are really cute. I think I need to have them monogrammed.
Now summer isn't totally over. We're heading North to visit Nana, Papa & PJ at the end of this week. We have a few more day trips planned, a few play dates with friends and possibly a day trip with Daddy who was gone for most of the month of June. He also went on a last minute trip a couple of weeks ago and has been holed up in his home office ever since. While he is technically home all the time, we still miss him.
I'm very thankful for the time I've had with K, L and H this summer. We've had some wonderful times and we've had some difficult times. Tempers flare a little more easily when you're together all the time. That being said, I wouldn't trade my life for anything.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Fruits of Summer
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
The Case of the Delinquent Blogger
Speaking of July, it is a big birthday month around here with K's one week and L's the next. Usually it isn't so stressful but this year is L's 5th birthday and that means she gets a big party with all her friends and balloons and cake and the rest of the works that come with child's birthday party. We do big parties at 5, 10, and 16 and family celebrations for the others. I got that idea from S's brother so kudos to him and his wife for sharing that with me. It seems to make the parties that much more special and is a lot less work for me.
I've been busy making arrangements for said party, reserving a large water slide for our back yard, printing and mailing invites, and just generally organizing everything. It seems to be falling into place but this week is proving to be a crazy one. I am thankful that we can do this for L but I have a feeling I'm going to crash next Saturday night.
I plan to return to regular mundane blogging at some point just not this week. Happy 4th of July everyone!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Generation Gap
While the kids were still in the tub, K yelled to Nana that L had said a bad word. A really bad word. Here's how the rest of the conversation went:
K: Nana, L said a really bad word. She said the S-H word.
Nana (trying to figure out where in the world L heard the S-H word): L, why did you say that?
L: I wanted H to be quiet.
Nana (breathing a bit of a sigh of relief): Oh, you said Shhhhhhh.
K: No she said the whole thing. The whole S-H-U-T-U-P.
Nana (attempting to stifle laughter so that L would know that saying the whole S-H-U-T-U-P is not a good thing [but saying it in her sweetest voice]): Well, I bet that if I let you play in the tub a little longer that you won't say that to H again.
L: Yes ma'am.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
A Funny H Story
Sporty Mama was here with her family last weekend for a much-needed visit. We had a great time just being together, laughing, listening, venting, eating, and drinking.
SM's hubby had a pair of black Crocs that he wore most of the time he was here. However, when he went to put them on Sunday morning, they were nowhere to be found. We asked the kids if they had seen them (of course they hadn't), checked under every piece of furniture, searched high and low. No Crocs. We even checked under every bed and in the garage. No Crocs. We searched the backyard and the front yard. No Crocs.
Monday morning, as they were preparing to depart sans Crocs, SM and I did one more sweep of the entire grounds searching for the Crocs. We just couldn't imagine where they had gone. It was as if they had legs of their own and had crawled off seeking freedom.
Then I had a stroke of genius. You see, H loves to put shoes away, especially Daddy's shoes. So when I checked S's shoe rack in our closet, there they were: one pair of black Crocs.
If only he'd do that with his toys!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
I Thought Summer Was Supposed to be Lazy
We've got two girls from a youth choir coming to spend the night tonight. My dear friend, Sporty Mama, is coming tomorrow to stay through Monday. VBS at our friend's church starts Monday and I have a girls' night planned for Monday night. Swim lessons start on the 22nd and we've got our church's VBS starting the following week. So these lazy days where nothing is happening seem to be long gone. I'm hoping July won't be as crazy.
Of course, there's L's 5th birthday party (her very first big birthday party), K's birthday, and a visit from Papa and PJ. So why am I blogging when there's much to be done? Procrastination, my favorite thing ever.
My mouth is feeling much better, thank you, after two days of soreness and sensitivity. I was still chewing funny last night and S even commented on it. I feel like such a wimp!
I will post pictures of my visit with Sporty Mama as long as I remember to actually take pictures. Have a great weekend, friends!
Monday, June 8, 2009
File This Under "Things I Do Not Recommend"
So I sat in the dentist's chair and proceeded to have him stick my mouth with needles (thank heaven for numbing medicine) and then drill on two different teeth on either side of my mouth in what was possibly the longest 30-45 minutes of my life. I do not enjoy the dentist in the first place but this was just a nightmare. Don't get me wrong. My dentist is a nice guy and did a great job. He was very reassuring through the whole thing. "You're doing great," he said as he drilled deeper into my tooth, sending shock waves down to my toes.
Now that the numbing medicine has worn off (which he must have done a very good job of administering because my lower left jaw was numb until about 2:00) there is this very dull ache in my mouth. The top front tooth that was filled is very, very sensitive to hot and cold. And the back molar just plain hurts.
So here's my advice: Brush and floss, people. Brush and floss.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
We have some college students visiting our church this summer as part of a campus ministry mission trip. We've "adopted" two of them and had them for lunch. They are great kids and it was fun to have some older young people in the house. Both S and I really enjoyed their company. And our "son" can eat. I love cooking for people who like to eat! We sent them home with all the leftovers we could. The one thing they don't get very much of is home cooking while down here. So they are usually pretty grateful for anything homemade.
Just after they left, we put the kids in the car and went to see "Up." (L calls it "Up the movie") It was great. They all sat there like little angels, enthralled with the movie. Even H had a good time and wasn't running all over the place. The dog truly is the best part of the movie. Just trust me.
We took our time getting home, stopping by a local ice cream parlor for a cool treat. We don't often do things like this but it really was such a nice evening. And H got a free cone since he's a little guy. Can't beat free! He ended up wearing the majority of it, trying to use his "free sample" spoon instead of licking it off the cone. It's moments like that I'm glad I'm not an OCD mom.
While I would love for every day to be like this one, I'm sure I wouldn't appreciate it as much if these days were the norm.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Lazy Summer
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
End of the School Year
I know this isn't the best picture but I really like it for some strange reason...
Thursday, May 21, 2009
We had the girls' ballet recital last weekend and they were beautiful. K did both ballet and tap and did such a good job. And L is definitely a performer. She knew the routine better than anyone (her ballet teacher even commented on how well she did). I'll post pictures when they get downloaded. That's not an easy feat these days as S's new home office is upstairs where the computer is. And when he's finally done for the day, I'm busy with dinner and bedtime routines and don't feel like going upstairs to download pictures. Go figure. (At this point we're just happy that he has a job and has work to do. Even though it's a lot, it's work he's getting paid for.)
So what else has been going on? Let's see. L told me that her little friend (of the male persuasion), H, thinks that she's "hot." (That was her word, not mine.) H, thanks to his father, now calls pigs "bacon." Any time he sees a picture of a pig he says, "bacon." Insert exaggerated roll of the eyes here. L got promoted to Kindergarten on Tuesday night and sang loud enough that I could hear her above everyone else in her class. This dream of hers to become a singing star might actually come true. H has decided that he wants to start going on the potty. He's only made it once to the potty but we're working on it. My prayer is that we'll be done with diapers this time next year. One can dream...
That's the story of the last two weeks. My goal for the weekend is to rest and to finally get my house in order. It's a mess!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Happy Mother's Day
First, it was from him. Second, it was a very unexpected card: a Happy Bat Mitzvah card. See, it's really hard to find Graduation cards in December so he went with what he could find. Never mind that neither of us are Jewish. So he crossed out Bat Mitzvah and wrote "Graduation." The funny thing was that the words on the card were entirely appropriate for someone who was graduating. "You're growing up", "You're moving to the next stage" kinds of things.
Why am I telling you this in relation to Mother's Day? Well, yesterday when my sweet children and husband brought me breakfast in bed, I opened the card from the kids first. Guess what? It was a Happy Bat Mitzvah card! They picked it out with no help from S. I know why they picked it out, too. The picture on the front was a very cute cartoon girl with lots of girly colors surrounding it. It was not at all appropriate for Mother's Day but I still cherish it. I guess they're more like their father than I thought!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
A Heartfelt Thanks
I came up with a good, homemade trail mix that I knew the kids would like, grabbed eggs and milk and went home. Now one of the things I love about our new car (the one we got last February) is the auto rear door feature. It was worth every penny the upgrade cost us. However, I was none too pleased with it when I opened the back and my 18 eggs fell to the ground. Oh, I was just devastated. 3 of them were a total loss and 6 more were cracked open but salvageable. So I had to come up with something that could be made right then other than scrambled eggs since we'd had those for breakfast.
I came up with a sour cream pound cake. It's S's favorite but we still had H's birthday cake hanging around and I didn't want two cakes in my house. What to do?
I gave it away to some very special people. The night H was born, our local fire department/EMTs were the first on the scene and really did the work to save our lives. One of them even came to see me the next morning in the ICU because he was so surprised that we'd actually survived! So I took the fresh pound cake to our local fire department with a thank you note and told the chief about the night H was born. I thanked him, from the bottom of my heart, for their quick response and doing all they could to get me the help I needed. It was a long overdue thank you! He gave me the standard "It's our job, it's what we're here for" speech but they were so much more to me that May night.
Our fire/police/EMTs are so overlooked and under appreciated. We often take them for granted until we really need them. We're certainly thankful we have them around!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Easter and Beyond
Friday, May 1, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
You Can't Get Rid of Us That Easily
Now on to what's really on my mind. I mentioned awhile back that S lost his job, got a new one, and we were going to have to move. This was not something I was thrilled about. I am willing to do it but not just super happy about it. However, we got word today that S is being moved to another contract, which means a different job that will allow him to work from home wherever that home may be. Which means we don't have to move.
I am BEYOND thrilled. The emotional roller coaster I've ridden over the last 4+ months has really taken its toll. And I've been forced to my knees, praying for God's guidance and wisdom, seeking to do His will. The journey has been rough and it's going to be another adjustment having S working from home rather than being gone all the time but it's an adjustment I'm willing to make!
A huge thank you to all of you who prayed faithfully for us. We have certainly felt it!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Coming Soon to a TV Near You
So when he called and asked if we had a large teddy bear that could be used for the commercial and did we have some PJ's for his daughter since his wife forgot to bring some and would K like to be in the commercial, too, I said yes. Oh, by the way, we'll be there in 10 minutes.
It turned out to be great. I happened to have two nightgowns that matched and the girls, K and her friend, N, were great little actresses. They really only had to pretend to sleep on this very large teddy bear. And they looked so sweet in their matching outfits. Of course, I forgot the camera in the haste to get out of the house!
(Consequently, we have said bear because it was a Christmas present for H. Only he's petrified of it since it's bigger than he is so the bear now lives with Gran.)
Monday, April 6, 2009
Insert Title Here
S surprised me Saturday night by telling me that his boss told him to work from home this week. I cried when he said this as he's been gone for the last two months with only one week at home. Such a sweet blessing.
And I'll leave you with an L-ism:
L: Mama, do you know what?
Me: Yes, and his brother Why.
L: No, it doesn't have anything to do with H!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
It's Been Too Long
I was afraid H would be difficult to deal with at the zoo since he is so little. But he actually enjoyed it. He's not a big fan of animals but they were far enough away for him to be comfortable. His favorite thing was the train. Now he knows that a train says, "Choo-choo!" My favorite part was getting to feed the Loreys. They are beautiful birds and LOVE to be fed their special nectar. It really is a treat to them. At one point I had three birds on me, all jockeying for the nectar. The keeper told me that the best time to come is first thing in the morning when you can have 10-15 birds on you at once!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
It's Delicious But Not So Nutritious
I realize that white bread isn't all that nutritious and I've honestly gotten used to whole grain breads even though a PB&J still doesn't taste quite right. But I really couldn't pass up a loaf of bread for 50 cents. I bought a couple of loaves and put them in the freezer.
So this morning when I made cinnamon toast for breakfast, K exclaimed, "Yea! We get white bread! It's so yummy!" I figure a few sandwiches made with white bread isn't going to kill the kids. Plus it's a good thing they consider it to be a treat!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
If I Had a Sledgehammer...
I'm so done with this thing it's not even funny.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Dinner For Two
Peppercorn encrusted beef tenderloin with a mushroom cognac cream sauce, served with a side of steamed asparagus