We have finally (finally!) decorated our house for Christmas. I've been waiting for S to get back in town to get a tree and have put off getting out all the decorations until we had the tree. Since he's in town for awhile now, we got our tree this morning. The girls were so excited they could hardly stand it. We put up all the stockings and other decorations last night after dinner.

Now, when I say "other decorations" I don't mean that we have that many. We have a nativity set that I was given as a wedding gift and I still remember who gave it to me. It's been added onto over the years and I still love it's simplicity. I also have 2 beautiful nutcrackers that are very different in their themes. My father and stepmother gave me one of them many years ago (they have a huge collection themselves), a very traditional looking nutcracker. We received the second one from S's parents last Christmas, a Crabber nutcracker as a tribute to S's hometown of Baltimore. It's beautiful but not very Christmas-y.
The one thing I can't seem to find is my wreath. A couple of years ago, I bought a fake one for $5. It was such a good deal, I couldn't pass it up. The only problem is that I can't find it. All our Christmas stuff is in one place in the garage and I still can't seem to find it.
Next week is going to be busy with parties and gatherings. I'm looking forward to some of it, dreading other parts. The one thing I'm truly thankful for is the family I've been blessed with. This is going to be a wonderful Christmas - I can just feel it!
I love that nativity! And I know exactly how you feel about losing stuff! I keep all my Christmas stuff in one place and put it back every year....and every year there are still things I cannot find! Frustrating. Sometimes I put things in a very "safe" place!!! So safe we never see it again. :)
Don't you love watching their little faces as you put up the decorations?! Such excitement and awe!
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