Friday, December 28, 2007

Something I've Never Done Before

So, ask me what I did on Wednesday. Seriously. Go ahead and ask. Okay! Stop pressuring me! I'll tell you. I went with S and the kids and ordered our new car. YES! A brand new car. I've never had a brand new car much less ordered one to my exact specifications. I was blessed to be given a car when I turned 16. I drove that until S and I purchased something a little more family-friendly about 7 months after we married. I still drive that one so a brand new car is a foreign concept to me.

Oh, y'all, I'm so excited/scared/elated/in a world of "what have I done?". I'll give all the details when we actually get said car. It's a beauty!


Anonymous said...

very cool!

what are you getting?

Christian - Modobject@Home said...

Ooooo, can't wait to see and hear about it!

nancygrayce said...

What kind of car!!?? That is very exciting!