Sunday, December 28, 2008
I Always Need My Family
So here's where the family comes into play. Since L is with K at Nana's house (they're also spending time with Papa and PJ), they aren't in their normal routine. The girls got to have their own rooms last night at Nana's house. At breakfast, L told Nana that she missed her family. She said, "I always need my family." Sometimes that little girl really surprises me with her sayings. Usually they are funny (like last week at church when she was sitting in my lap and tooted just as the pastor said that Jesus' love had a very distinct sweet aroma. It's really hard to stifle laughter in the middle of a sermon) but this one truly touched me. My daughter, who is usually the independent one, absolutely wants and needs to be with her Mama, Daddy, sister and brother.
And that's the way I always want it to be.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Crime and Punishment
He came in to inform me of a situation involving the girls. It seems as though K got the idea that she would do some "cleaning" in her room. She has done this before with bathroom cleaner (complete with bleach), attempting to "clean" her bear. The bear got thrown in the trash and the child was put in time out while Mama took a time out herself. The bleach incident happened when she was three so we didn't do much else to punish her.
Fast forward to Sunday and she's a whole three years older and wiser. Or so I thought. She used detangling spray as a cleaning solution to clean her and L's beds (just the wood part, not the quilts she assured me) and L used it to wash the walls, with toilet paper as a cleaning rag. This is something that they know better than to do. S was annoyed and made them clean up the mess while he came to me to discuss punishment.
When they finished cleaning, K and L asked what their punishment was going to be. S and I got the bright idea to let the girls pick their own punishment. They came up with no snacks, no sweets and no TV for two days. That started at 5pm Sunday and will end today at 5pm. Believe me, they are counting down the minutes.
The thing I've already noticed, though, is that they are finding ways to entertain themselves without bugging me. They have played well together and have gotten along without much fighting. They haven't once asked to watch TV and keep reminding me that they can have dessert tonight. I really thought this punishment was going to drive me bonkers but they've been quite good. And their imaginations have been running wild.
There have been plenty of tempting situations for them and I know there will be at least one more today. But I must say that I am so proud of them!
Monday, December 22, 2008
And Now the Madness Really Begins
The class parties went well on Friday and I ate way too much (how can you resist a nugget tray from Chick-fil-A?). At least I didn't eat the cakes, cupcakes and chips that were also available. The girls both got really cute books and we've been reading through K's since she got a Max Lucado children's treasury book that has 4 of his books in it. L got a puzzle book and H has had fun trying to figure out how the pieces fit.
I ran between both parties Friday morning seeing just enough of each one to please both L and K. I came home with feet aching, arms loaded with gifts and goodies from various friends, and two wound-up little girls. I told them to run around outside for a bit to calm down. It sort of helped.
Saturday went by faster than any Saturday has in recent memory. That morning I realized that I had never taken a shower on Friday. Now not getting a shower is something to which I've become accustomed since becoming a mother. But this was the first time I actually forgot to take one. Needless to say, that was priority one on my agenda for Saturday morning.
We were busy cleaning out closets, doing laundry, cleaning the house, and running errands. S's parents made it into town that afternoon and we spent time with them playing dominoes and eating dinner. Again, I was exhausted by the end of the day.
I thought I was all done with shopping and wrapping but remembered that I didn't have anything for stockings and must get that done, including wrapping all of those gifts. That's a tradition in S's family that I still don't understand but I'll wrap all the items, even if it's a little pack of gum.
So that's what's been happening around here. I'm hoping to post more this week and will upload some pictures of the kids. I wish I knew how to get pictures off my phone and onto the computer so you could see H's face last night when he ate an Oreo. Just use your imagination.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Catching Up
We're trying to fix up the house and I've been busy cleaning out closets, painting my bathroom, painting in the girls' room from the "raining in my room" episode, and getting rid of unwanted furniture. It hasn't been easy and it's moving along slowly but it's getting done.
We have two class Christmas parties tomorrow and I forgot that both girls have to bring a book for the gift exchange. I guess I'll do that on the way to get K from school. I also have to bring two different food items to their respective parties and help with both of them. At least I'm not in charge.
The house is decorated but not all presents are wrapped. I'm lucky that my head is attached at this point! I promise to write more in the coming days as we'll be done with school and I'll be looking for stuff to get me away from children who keep telling me they are bored.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
It's Been Awhile...

Monday, November 24, 2008
I Told You it was Getting Busy
L had her Thanksgiving program and subsequent "feast" on Wednesday and was so very cute. She was dressed as a pilgrim girl and was just adorable. Will post pictures eventually. I use the term "feast" very loosely as the lunch consisted of chicken nuggets, corn, lady peas, and rolls. L ate about 10 nuggets and I lost count as to how many nuggets H ate. He kept grabbing them off the tray and stuffing them in his mouth. I know he started out with four. My guess is that he finished with about as many as L.
My birthday was Saturday and it was wonderful. I got to do whatever I wanted and ate whatever I wanted, including a nice dinner out with S and my mom. It was lovely and we had a very good time. I think the last time Nana got to go out with us without children was before K was born. Auburn didn't play Saturday so that meant I couldn't get upset about yet another loss. I'm just ready for the season to be over and to move on. We've learned a lot from this season but it's time for it to be over.
K's Thanksgiving feast was today and I forgot my camera. The whole class stood in front of the parents and, individually, gave their name and what they were thankful for. This is not K's forte but she did what she was supposed to do and did quite well. She was very clear and concise and not one bit scared. This Mama was very proud and I told her just that. This feast truly was a feast. We had turkey, ham, the aforementioned chicken nuggets, corn casserole, beans, rolls, cornbread, mac & cheese, and potatoes. I was in charge of dressing and made more than enough so now I don't have to make that for our Thanksgiving. It's already taken care of! K is also about to lose her second tooth and can't wait for it to come out. I guess losing teeth never really gets old. The tooth fairy was very generous with the first tooth ($2!) but much stingier with each additional tooth (more like 25 cents).
We have one more day of school this week and then we're off. I'm thankful for that. So that's what's going on here. I hope your week is full of fun, good food, and family.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
It's Getting Busy
L has a Thanksgiving program tomorrow followed by lunch in her classroom, to include parents and siblings. I'm pretty sure H will be more interested in all the toys rather than the food. I realize that's not the norm but call it mother's intuition.
Nana is coming for the weekend (unbeknownst to the children) to celebrate a birthday. This means I have to clean up the guest room as I've let the kids play up there a little too much in recent weeks. At least there aren't too many toys and the sheets for the bed are clean.
K's class has a Thanksgiving lunch on Monday, to include parents and siblings, for which I have to make dressing. I volunteered to do this because I didn't want someone bringing Stove Top and calling it "homemade." That is just wrong on so many levels.
Papa and PJ are coming for Thanksgiving and we're all looking forward to that as the kids haven't seen them since April. Papa's been very busy with work and a long drive just hasn't been in the cards for them. Should be lots of fun with lots of good food.
We saw a really cute movie a few weeks ago called Chaos Theory. Very good, minimal language, and clean. Totally worth the money spent to rent.
So that's about it. I have a video of H walking that I still need to download from the camera and will post when that's done. Hope all of you are having a good week!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Big News
Now that that's out of the way, I thought I'd share this because I need to. Last night, we went to a friend's house to celebrate Veteran's Day. All of the men/Daddies are military of some sort, either veterans of a war, prior active duty or reserves. We had a fantastic time, ate way too much, and stayed way too late. We even got to roast marshmallows and have s'mores. Yummy!
But the big news of the night is that H walked. Yes he walked! And not just two steps but at least 10 to go from S to me. And back again. He went back and forth, back and forth, so very proud of himself, smiling the whole time. Then he got tired and was ready to go home.
Y'all this is such an answer to prayer, such a reminder that God does miracles as H's life is, in and of itself, a miracle. I wanted to cry tears of joy last night but they didn't fall until this morning. At our last appointment, H's doctor suggested we have him evaluated at our convenience but I don't think that's necessary now. We know he can do it, he knows he can do it and that's what matters.
He's yet to do much at home but I believe that's due to him being exhausted from having stayed up too late and getting up too early. I think with a good nap he'll be running laps around us!
Thanks to all of you, my dear friends, for your prayers on behalf of H and myself. This Mama's heart was burdened for him, praying that he would walk, that there wouldn't be anything truly wrong with him. He is, apparently, doing just fine!
Blog Extravaganza, Part Three
We were at a birthday party for one of L's friends on Saturday, complete with petting zoo and pony rides. L is not a fan of animals and runs from any type of dog imaginable. She's not quite as bad with the little ones but it's just not pretty. It's a good thing we don't have one. She's not fond of cats, either, so it may be awhile before we get any pet other than a fish.

Monday, November 10, 2008
Blog Extravaganza, Part Two

Blog Extravaganza, Part One

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
I Know, I Know

Saturday, November 1, 2008
Halloween Pictures Coming!
Now I'm off to watch Auburn football...
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Laugh Out Loud Funny
Souptacular 2008
Since I did this last year, I thought I'd do it again!
Turkey Chili
1T olive oil
1lb. ground turkey
1T garlic, minced
2½ t ground cumin
½ t salt
½ t pepper
1 (14oz) can chicken broth
1 can black beans, rinsed
1 can corn
½ C uncooked rice
½ C green salsa
1C onion, chopped
½ T cilantro
Heat olive oil in large skillet or pot. Add turkey, garlic, and onion and cook until meat is no longer pink. Add cumin, salt, and pepper and stir to combine. Add chicken broth, black beans, corn, rice, and salsa. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer 20-25 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and add cilantro. (If you don't like the flavor of cilantro, substitute flat leaf parsley.)
Serve over chopped lettuce and top with sour cream, salsa, tortilla chips and grated cheese.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Like Father, Like Son

Yet Another Sign She's Growing Up
When K got the invitation, I was very hesitant to let her go. But she begged and pleaded and said she really wanted to, day after day after day. I took this as a sign that she wasn't afraid to do it. So many questions came to my mind as I pondered what to do: what if she had an accident at night? What if she ate something she wasn't supposed to? What if she got scared and wanted to come home? I talked to S about it. I talked to the birthday girl's Mama about it. I talked to several other Mamas about it. And then I talked to God about it. After much consideration, I let her go.
Oh, friends, it was hard. I drove her to the party, took a tour of the house, got all the info I could possibly need and knew that she would be in good hands (not my hands but good enough ones). I had to leave a list with all the things K is allergic to and what to do should she have a reaction to anything, including medications and their proper dosages. I hugged her good-bye five or twenty times before we left. I'm glad S was there or I would have been a puddle. I had a knot in my stomach until about 10:00 PM, when I was pretty sure there wasn't going to be a phone call that she was scared and wanted to come home.
When I picked her up yesterday, I was so happy to wrap my arms around her. Oh, how I'd missed her! She had a fantastic time. Birthday Girl's Mama said K was a huge helper and was very well-behaved as were all the girls (nine 6- and 7-year-olds).
K's first question for me? "When can I have a sleepover at our house?"
I don't think this Mama is ready for that just yet.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Growing Up
K has been nursing a loose tooth for some time now. I think it was back in the spring when we first noticed it was slightly loose. Finally it was loose enough to come out but hung in there for over a week. She pulled it out on the back porch and you would have thought she had won the lottery. She was so proud! She is the last person in her class to lose a tooth so this was really exciting.
I'll post a couple of pictures if I remember to download them. I just had to tell you that my baby is growing up!
Monday, October 20, 2008
SWAT Team at School
We got to watch the helicopter land and take off (from a safe distance) and we all got a turn petting one of the K-9 dogs. She was the biggest baby but she took her job very seriously. The SWAT team showed us how they approach a building when there could be suspects inside (and yes, they used real guns).
The highlight for me was the K-9 demonstration. We got to see how a dog tracks down a bad guy and what happens when said bad guy attacks his handler. The dogs have exactly one job: to please their master. So whatever the master says, the dog does. And when the master is in danger, no words are needed; the dog attacks without being commanded to do so. It really was cool. What I didn't know was that the dogs go home with their handlers every day and live with them even after they are retired. I thought that was really neat. I think the whole day was just as much fun for the adults as it was for the kids!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Pumpkin Patch 2008

Nothing says "pumpkins" like jeans and your pink cowgirl boots. This picture is, to me, quintessential L.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
L-ism of the Day
A few minutes later, she came out of her room and, wearing only her underwear, said, "Mama? I just want to put on my normally clothes."
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Bragging on L
The very first thing I saw was a gift certificate with a little green post-it. It said that L had been "caught" being extremely patient, waiting for her teacher to lead the way rather than running ahead like the other 4-year-olds in her class. As a reward, she got a free kid's meal at a local restaurant, one we frequent.
While my kids are (mostly) well-behaved at school, they usually aren't singled out for being especially good. So I was very proud of L and her patience. I'm not sure where she got it!
Friday, October 10, 2008
When Did it Get so Complicated?
Last night I went to a birthday party for one of L's friends. Technically, our families are friends so we were all invited even though he's L's age and they have gymnastics together. And we all went, all five of us. I noticed that many of the kids there were not this boy's age but all ages and the parents stayed, too. Some of the older kids were neighbors who play with the birthday boy on a daily basis but there were others who were siblings of his friends as well. In fact it was mostly families who attended the birthday party for a 4-year-old.
I don't remember inviting whole families to my birthday parties. I remember my friends being there but not the whole family. Granted, I was an only child so I didn't have siblings who might want friends there, too, but I don't remember being invited to my friend's sibling's birthday parties either. When we had K's birthday party last year we invited her friends. Not all the siblings; just her friends as it was her party.
So when did it come to this? When did children's parties become parties for the whole family? Does this go along with our society's need to include everyone? That everyone must win, everybody gets the prize? Is it that we don't want to hurt anyone's feelings? Or is it that we now feel obligated to include everyone? I just don't get it.
I'm not saying that it's a bad idea. In some ways, it's a wonderful way to celebrate with family and friends, all of our friends. K and H had a fantastic time and I even jumped in there with them, having races with several kids. It was fun and we all had a blast. Everyone was exhausted when we got home and went to bed right away. (Kudos to my friend who had the party from 5-7 on a weeknight rather than a Saturday. I will keep this in mind for L's party next year.)
What are your thoughts?
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Words, They Do Escape Me
I put the shampoo away until I needed it. When I got out the detangling spray for the girls, I noticed this printed on the back of the bottle. Keep in mind this is a direct quote.
"Hair knottier than your stomach after a questionable hookup? Smooth things out with [insert product name here]. The heat-activated silk protein formula gives you intoxicating shine...for better luck next time."I'll give you a moment to pull your lower jaw off the floor.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Of Deodorant, Football, Pizza and Coffee
1. I had to buy deodorant the other day. Since I had to go to the grocery store anyway, I thought I'd just get it there. The kind I had been using was $4.93. I'll give you a minute to recoup from that. Yes, it was almost $5 for a small stick of deodorant. I can assure you I didn't pay that much for it when I first bought it. And I didn't pay that much for it this time, either. I went for the old standby, the one I've used on and off for years. It was much cheaper. When did deodorant become so expensive?
2. Auburn football (yes, Sporty Mama, I'm going there). It's a pitiful sight when you lose to Vandy. I don't care how good Vandy is and how bad Auburn is playing, you don't lose to Vandy. I'm going to stand behind my Auburn Tigers through thick and thin and this is definitely thin. We've got to do something about this offense if we're going to make it through the rest of the season. Let's just say it was bad enough that my fellow Auburn friend here in town called not once but twice during the game. We only talk if Auburn isn't doing well.
3. I finally found a pizza crust recipe that I really like. It's crispy, has great flavor and this method of cooking it makes it even better. This is the reward I get for getting up with H on Saturday morning and watching TV.
4. We lived in this small town for two years before we got one of these stores. That would mean it didn't arrive here until 2005. We are now getting a second one closer to my house, complete with drive-thru. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing given my new love of coffee. And going up just down from that one is one of these. I'm pretty sure this isn't going to be good for my waistline. (We currently don't have one of those particular fast food places even though we have every other one known to man. Well, except for this and we can't seem to get them east of the Mississippi.)
Have a happy Monday!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Random Things I Love About My Children
2. L calls K "Sissy" and gets mad when anyone else does. It's her term of affection for K.
3. The way H says "seese" for "please."
4. The way both K and L said "upplease" when they wanted to be picked up.
5. K's dimples.
6. H's dimple under his right eye that can only be seen when he laughs really hard.
7. L's nose.
8. L's crazy hair. It's always in her face but she just wouldn't be the same without it.
9. H's juicy lips. He gets lots of complements on them.
10. The sound of laughter from all of them.
11. K's ever-increasing zeal to know and love the Lord.
12. L's attempt at reading. She tries so hard.
13. L's tomboy behavior. She'll be outside digging in the dirt and chasing boys but she'll be doing it in her princess dress.
14. K reading to L.
15. The way H puts his head on my shoulder and gently pats my back.
16. The way their little voices sound on the phone. It was sweet music when I called on the way home from the cruise.
17. The way they all love their Daddy.
18. H's fat little legs.
19. Being called Mama.
20. Hugs and kisses at the end of the day.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
The Vacation Story with Pictures

A small island off the coast of Nassau, Bahamas. Those gray stripes are the sheets of rain pouring on Nassau. We were, thankfully, spared the rain while on the beach. However, we did get wet as we made our way back to the cruise ship.
These little friends greeted us each night when the steward would turn down the bed for us. My favorite one was the dog which, of course, I didn't get a picture of.
I'm Back!
I need to download pictures and promise to post about the whole thing after I get done with the laundry.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Unexpected Vacation
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Spending Time with K
Last Thursday, I got to spend the afternoon with K. She was in desperate need of tennis shoes, something she could run in during PE. Her Keds from last year were just fine but it's really hard to run in those on the gym floor. I took her to a local shoe store, had her measured (she wears a 13.5, for those interested), and looked in the sale room. Alas, there was nothing in her size so we headed across the street to the discount shoe place. There, they had some cute and not-so-cute shoes and, after steering her away from ones that had glitter and hearts and all sorts of horribleness, we found the perfect pair.
When we got to the car, she asked if we could get ice cream. So we did. We sat inside, enjoyed our cool treats, and just talked. I took pictures of her blue tongue (blue from the cotton candy ice cream) with my cell phone and even let her call Nana using our OnStar in the car (a very handy feature).
The bottom line for me is that I got to spend time with her, just her, without any distractions. I sometimes forget that she's as much fun as she is, that she's learning at an alarmingly fast rate, and moving into the young lady phase. I know that she's growing up, that these times will be fewer and further between. That makes me treasure them even more.
Friday, September 19, 2008
A Forgotten L Story
Case in point: S and I were invited to our pastor's house to have dessert and fellowship with a few other people in the congregation. Since it was just dessert, we got a babysitter and went for an early dinner before heading over to the dessert fellowship thingy.
Our babysitter is wonderful and has been babysitting for our kids for several years. I think she actually started before L was born. Anyway, when we got home she told us that she had a really funny story to tell us.
Apparently C, the aforementioned wonderful babysitter, usually lets L and K take pictures with her cell phone. (This is not a bad thing.) At some point in the evening, she realized that the girls had taken her phone to their room. When she went back to check on them, L said something into the receiver and then handed the phone to C. C said, "Hello?" It was her good friend, M. L, in her clever little way, had called M and had been talking to him (yes, him) for about 10 minutes. She told him all about her school, her ballet, and her friend's birthday party coming up. It was hilarious and a little bit scary all at the same time.
She's four and already calling boys. I think we have a problem...
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Served with a Side of Mediocre

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
As Seen in the Backyard
Monday, September 15, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
L's Prayer
"Our Father, who art in heaven. Dear Jesus, thank you for the food you gave us today. Thank you that when we were at Granny's house today, I got to have two gummy worms and my sister only got one gummy worm. And thank you for the banana cream soup pie that my sister ate and that Daddy got my piece so I didn't have to eat it. In Jesus' name, Amen."
Well, at least she has a thankful heart and those priorities in line.
Laughing Again
Monday, September 8, 2008
Laugh Out Loud
Saturday, September 6, 2008
What is the World Coming To?

Thursday, September 4, 2008
A Confession of Worry
My latest "concern" is H and his lack of walking. He's 16 months now (14 if you take into account his prematurity) and he's not even close to walking. He pulls up on furniture, even climbs up stairs, ladders and coffee tables. He'll even let go and stand freely but sits as soon as he comes close to taking a step.
(I don't think I mentioned the climbing because I haven't really blogged. K informed me the other day that I needed to come quickly to her room because H was at the top of the ladder to the girls' bunk beds. And then last weekend he learned how to climb up on top of our coffee table. These are not good things.)
Since he can do these things, I know he has the capability to walk. But he won't. Even if I try to hold his fingers, he falls limp and just hangs there with his feet in the air. He just plain doesn't want to walk. I don't know if it's because he doesn't have to (he crawls really fast) or doesn't want to or he's lazy. Either way, it's frustrating.
The worrying comes in when I think that something might be wrong with him. What if he's got something seriously wrong with him that he will have to overcome? What does this late walking mean? Why are there so many other children who are younger than he is who are walking already? Many friends have commented that it's a whole different world when they start walking because they get into so much more. Well, there's not much more he can get into when he does walk than he does now crawling. As we know, he can climb so why won't he walk?
I do realize that God speaks to this very thing, that we aren't to worry about tomorrow, it will take care of itself. We aren't to be anxious about anything but bring all of our concerns to Him. He is the ultimate comforter.
So why am I still worried?
Monday, September 1, 2008
Waaaaar Eagle, Hey!

Friday, August 29, 2008
Crowd Pleaser
(This would be, by the way, the reason I've not been blogging much this week. I had to get my house ready and make all the food for these ladies. Plus, it was my first time hosting so I had to put my best face forward.)
On the menu:
- Vegetables with hummus
- Whole grain chips with spinach dip
- Ham and cheese rolls
- Chicken satay with a spicy peanut dip and BBQ sauce
- Spinach salad with roasted garlic vinaigrette and spicy pecans
- Crostata with mushrooms, bacon, and fontina
- Whiskey Sours
The theme was a cocktail party so I tried to do lots of little things that you might find at a party, only punched up a bit. Almost everything got eaten and we all had such a fun time. I wish I had taken pictures of all the food but it got eaten too fast!
The biggest hit was the crostata. I've never made one before and now I'm hooked on them. It was so, so easy and extremely yummy. You really can't go wrong when mushrooms, bacon, and cheese are involved. And I'm not a homemade crust maker but this was so easy and turned out great. You will not be disappointed should you decide to try it!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Holding Her Own
This was actually a good thing because I was able to talk to some of the other mamas in the class. I don't often get to do this with them because I drop off L as early as possible due to scheduling. However, these other mamas are usually late to arrive so I don't get to see them.
As is common (actually it's more like a law), the conversation turned to our children. The lone dad in the group was saying that his son, J, is a middle child and shy, taking his time getting to know everyone. J is new to the school this year. Another mom said that her child, also a middle, was the same way: very quiet, very deliberate, and takes awhile to warm up to new situations.
And then there's L. Again a middle child but nothing like the ones described above. I made the comment that L is the complete opposite and the dad said, "That's L? She's your daughter? I've heard about L. We know all about her." This from the father of a child who has known L for all of 3 days. I think she's doing just fine as one of 4 girls in a class of 13.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Down Came the Rain
I looked in my neighbor's back yard, no rain. In the side yard, no rain. It was, literally, just raining in our back yard. For about 10 minutes. It was the one of the oddest things I've ever seen!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Mrs. Whiting
Mrs. Whiting was Cinderella in the flesh. She was just out of college, newly married, and beautiful. She had long blond hair, blue eyes, and gorgeous tan skin. Every girl in that class wanted to be her and the boys, though young, loved her. Plus she was an excellent teacher.
I recall being made to stay inside from recess because I rushed to finish my work and did a very poor job of it. My goal was to beat my friend Natalie because she always seemed to finish first. Competition started early for me. (I did beat her, by the way.)
Mrs. Whiting read Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and other classics to us at the end of each day. It instilled in me a love of reading that I still have today. (Alas, this did not carry over into middle and high school as I didn't really read every book that was assigned to me. While I love reading for pleasure, required reading isn't my forte.)
So here's to Mrs. Whiting, my fabulous first grade teacher!
Monday, August 18, 2008
First Grade
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Inquiring Minds
A friend informed us that they and several other families were going to dinner and bowling as one last hurrah before school starts. And it was so much fun. Dinner was great and the bowling even more fun. I didn't bowl (neither did H) but S and the girls did. My excuse was that someone had to help K and L.
So what does this have to do with an inquiring mind? Well that incident happened on the way to dinner. S and I were talking when K piped up and asked, "Daddy? When you're away do you tell people about God?" Both S and I were taken aback, not able to speak as if the wind had been knocked out of us.
We have prayed, from the time I was pregnant with K, that she, and all of our children, would have hearts for God, that they wouldn't know a time they didn't know the Lord. I looked at S, wanting to hear his answer. There aren't a lot of opportunities for witness with coworkers in today's society but I know that he has shown his faith as best he can. He did his best to explain this to K and it seemed to satisfy her.
I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. Romans 1:16
Friday, August 15, 2008
A Little Nostalgia
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Treasured Moments
I had a school board meeting last night (did I mention I'm on the board of our little Christian school?) and when I got home the house was dark, the kids were asleep (or so I thought), and S was catching up on some work. As I was closing the back door I heard a tiny voice say, "Mama?" followed by little feet slapping the hard wood floor in the hall. A pitiful face peered out from around the corner.
She didn't have to say anything because I knew exactly how she felt. She proceeded to tell me that I needed to come to her room to sing with her, something I do with the girls every night. However, K was already asleep and I didn't want to wake her. I scooped L up and sat on the sofa with her for just a few minutes. I asked her, "You had a rough day, didn't you?"
"Yeah, K and K2 wouldn't play with me because K2 didn't want to get on my bed and play with me."
"Sometimes we get left out, don't we?"
It was probably the most pitiful conversation I've ever had with her. So we just sat there, in silence, L sitting on my lap, resting her head on my shoulder. I carried her back to bed a few moments later, gently placing her in the comfort of her sheets and stuffed animal friends.
When it seems like the kids have been going crazy and are driving me nuts, these are the moments I treasure.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Time for School! Time for School!
I've resigned myself to the fact that I have a first grader. I don't feel old enough to have a first grader! The supplies have been purchased, the clothes washed and hung up, uniforms ready to go for the first day.
K and L are more than ready for school to start. When I told L that we had to go to church twice before school started, she asked, on the way home from church yesterday, if we were going to church the next day (that's her way of saying tomorrow). She's definitely ready. A woman at the gym today commented that L is an independent spirit. I would concur.
H is still crawling and saying "no" a lot but he's added "no way" to his repertoire. He also knows the word mouth and will open his when you ask, "Where's your mouth?" My child, he is gifted. But you already knew that.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
It's easy to prepare, pretty much like cooking rice. You can do a lot with it, too, even substituting it for rice in some cases. It has a much nuttier flavor than rice, almost an earthy feel with its golden wheat color. I fixed it last night with some cheese to appease the children, praying they would be open to trying something new.
Believe it or not, they loved it. Even H wanted seconds. I slightly overcooked it and it had just a slightly rougher texture than grits. Since H loves grits with cheese, he loved it and fussed until I got more in his mouth. The girls ate it, too, although not as willingly. L was the most timid and usually is about trying new things. In the end, she ate all that was put on her plate and not a grain more.
You really can do a lot with it and there are even some recipes in the box just waiting to be tried. I encourage you to try something new, some new food that you've never had before. You may end up really liking it!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Since my mom and I didn't have a whole lot of money, we would sometimes have odd things for dinner. One of our favorites was steamed artichokes. Sometimes we'd share, sometimes we'd get our own. And these are just plain old steamed artichokes. I loved the silky feel on my tongue as I scraped the meat on the leaf of the choke off with my teeth. Of course, you must have something in which to dip said artichoke. Our dip of choice? Mayonnaise. Oh it was so good.
The other day I found artichokes on sale and bought two of them. I had one for lunch today and it brought back a flood of memories. I had to settle for low-fat, low-cholesterol mayo which isn't my favorite. But as I pulled each leaf off and dove into the tiny piece of meat at the bottom, I felt like I was sitting at my mom's table, sharing a wonderful treat with her.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
One More L-ism
Pushing Buttons
Ever since we got our new car, L and K have been sitting in the third row and usually get along quite nicely. Well, Wednesday was an extreme exception. I don't know if it's too much time together and they need a break from being together or if it's their ages but something's got to give. I spent the first half of the trip attempting to break up fights, threatening to pull the car over, telling both of them that they were pushing each other's buttons. I was forced to stop half way there, partially to break them up and partially to stop at a really cute shop. K got moved to the middle row next to H but was, tragically, in front of L.
Better but not perfect, we trudged on to our destination. As the girls were both in a mood, L just couldn't let things go and kept putting her hands on K's chair. I was forced to break it up and threaten L within an inch of her life. K wasn't exactly making life easy, either. L's response to the whole thing?
"I'm just pushing buttons."
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
It's Really the Small Blessings
But sometimes I forget about the small blessings in life. Yesterday morning, H slept until 8:20 am. That's not normal for him. Normal is 6:30 at the latest. That meant I got to sleep in, too. Mama always needs extra rest. That was a small blessing.
Then K came in my room around 7:45 (late for her as well) carrying her devotional that she got around Christmastime. She said, "Mama, you really need to read this. You will be so blessed by it." Those are her words, not mine. What was it? The Doxology. It tied into the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000 with just a few fish and loaves of bread.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost
A hearty amen to that...
Sunday, July 27, 2008
I'm Back!
Let's recap what's happened over the last (almost) two months
- S went out of town for the first time with the kids out of school
- His parents arrived with B, his sister, and her four kids, P, M, A, & W
- We spent almost every day with them doing tons of fun things
- K and L both celebrated their birthdays (K is now 6, L is now 4)
- H learned a new word: "No!"
- VBS (one word of advice to all you mamas out there who will be sending their kids to VBS next year: pre-register)
- One last hurrah with B and her kids
- Somewhere in here H got 2 new teeth with a third about to pop through at any moment. I'm not sure how I missed the 2 new ones but I did as I only discovered it today.
I think the gist of the list (ha!) is that we've been really busy doing really fun things. And even though there's a certain stress related to having 5 extra people around for over a month, we had a blast with them. H really took up with P and was definitely missing him the first few days they were gone. I've finally downloaded all the pictures and will post them very soon.
It's good to be back!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
I'll Tide You Over with an L-ism
One day last week after going to the gym (still doing that wretched thing in the attempt to be healthy, blah, blah, blah) S was sitting on the sofa writing a quick email before hopping in the shower. He had removed his shirt because it was soaked from the gym and our house was cool thus making him cold. L, who was in the kitchen, looked over at him and said, "Daddy, why are you showing your boobs?" My sister-in-law and I busted out laughing at that one.
L's really not afraid to say what she's thinking.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Delinquent Blogger
(I did manage to change the ages on the sidebar, noting that I now have a six-year-old and a four-year-old. Where did the time go?)
Friday, July 4, 2008
Random Pictures
This is a picture of H from VBS last year. It was about this time last year that our church had VBS and a friend took a picture of him as we were waiting to pick K and L up at the end of the day. He's changed a lot since then...
This is a picture of my grandfather reading to me and my friend Josh, who is a month younger than me.
And here's a picture of K and her friend, Katelyn, playing princess.
Emma, our friend's dog. I just love the angle of the photo.
One more, this one of K meeting L for the very first time.
What pictures are you hiding on your computer?
P and H